Marvel Online Slot Guide and Review

As with a handful of Marvel Comic superheroes, Ironman is a regular guy without special powers but his wealth and engineering prowess enabled his real life alter ego Tony Stark to create a powerful suit that would enable him to fight crime.

Stark originally built the Ironman suit in order to escape from a criminal gang that kidnapped him and now uses it to try and protect the world from harm, incorporating some of the advanced new technologies that his company Stark Industries had created.

Ironman was brought to life by Robert Downey Jr. in 2008, who then reprised the role two years later for the sequel, Ironman 2.

On the back of the success of the Ironman franchise, gaming software creators Playtech decided to launch an Ironman 2 slot game and, unsurprisingly, it has proven to be as popular as the movies and other Marvel Slot games that preceded it.

As with other games in the Marvel Slot genre, Ironman 2 looks and sounds fantastic thanks to its use of the software created by Playtech for use in online slot gaming.

The Ironman 2 slot uses real life pictures of the characters and suits from the film, featuring Natalie Rushman (the Black Widow), Ivan Venko (Whiplash) and of course Ironman’s creator Tony Stark.

The game also uses sound clips from the movies and includes some visually impressive special effects.

Another feature synonymous with Marvel Slots is the gamers option of playing for free to get accustomed to how the game works; this way when you come to play for cash you have an idea what to look out for and what does what.

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