Tips for Telling Scary Halloween Stories

Telling Halloween stories that entrance, enthrall, and spook your audience has very little to do with the story you tell. A successful Halloween story is mad great by the mood you create as you tell the story.

Children and adults will beg for more if you know how to tell scary stories well.

While the children are too young to get the thrills and always pee in their pants out of fright, the adults enjoy every bit of it as it gives them a nostalgic trip down childhood where they have their own experiences regarding Halloween tales, similar to the thrills of a Pkv QQ game.

Anyone will be able to tell scary stories on Halloween following these simple tips.

Find a book that includes scary stories and urban legends.

First, although it is not the most important element, try to pick a good story. You need to choose a story that you can get in to. Find a Halloween story that engages you and gives you a chill and it will be a hit on Halloween.

Set the mood for a haunting Halloween story.

You have to tell ghost stories, scary urban legends, or other stories in the dark. Use candles or a flashlight beamed upward toward your face to give the room just enough light for the listeners to see you.

You may also consider adding ghoulish background music or sound effects.

Familiarize yourself with the story.

Make sure you know the story well. A scary story or ghost story is best told, not read. Learn the story thoroughly.

Practice using voice inflection to enhance the scary effect.

Once you learn the story, tell it aloud. Listen to the words. Pay close attention to words that make people feel creepy, ghoulish, or scared. Find just the right inflection for emphasizing those words.

Tell a scary story or ghost story in a soft voice.

In addition to working on the inflection of certain words, what we’ll call the “Boo Factor.” Practice telling the story in a soft voice. Telling a scary story in a hushed, but urgent voice helps create the mood to really scare your listeners.

Make eye contact as you tell your Halloween story.

Your room will be darkened for mood, but there should be enough light for your listeners to see you and you can see them. As you tell the story, look around to be sure you are engaging the listeners.

Use facial expressions to emphasize surprising or scary elements in a Halloween story.

Your facial expressions are almost as important as your voice tone and inflections when telling a good scary story. Open your eyes wide when unexpected events happen, cringe, or show fear. Your facial actions direct your audience as they follow the Halloween story.

Pause for dramatic effect when telling a scary story.

Pause when you have told a particularly important or surprising piece of information in your story. Allow moments of silence to help build anticipation.

Control the pace of your scary Halloween story.

Tell the story as if you were taking a journey along a path. You are the narrator, or guide, and the entire group is looking to you for direction. Don’t go to fast. Don’t mutter or mumble and go to slow. Find a steady clip, about the speed of a headless horseman clomping through the night toward his deadly destination.

Scare your listeners.

You wouldn’t be telling a Halloween story if your listeners didn’t want to be scared. Bring the story to a dramatic climax before you scare the listeners. Some scary stories end with an element that jumps out at you, like a surprise around the corner of a haunted house. Other stories leave you hanging, feeling scared, paranoid, and unsure of certain people or places.

Play up the ending of your scary Halloween story for the greatest effect. This can only be done by using your voice, facial expressions, and throughout the story. The listeners need to trust you enough to be drawn into the story in order for the Halloween story to be scary.